Law Offices of Robert C. Powers
Attorney & Counselor at Law
When you need the Power of Law at your Side
The Firm
The Law Offices of Robert C. Powers is committed to providing you competent, diligent, and zealous representation whether needed in the Court Room, Corporate Boardroom, or State Agency. most highly regarded
If you believe that you have been wronged, that someone is exploiting an advantage over you, that the other side is refusing to act maturely, reasonably, and rationally, and refuses to collaborate despite your best efforts, then Litigation is the end result.
When you must resort to Litigation, you need someone who will stand at your side, ready and willing to fight abuse of power and privilege. You also need someone who understands the Courtroom and who remains calm and collected during the heat of battle.
The Law Offices of Robert C. Powers is a Law Firm ready to fight for your rights whether you need help with pending legal battles, assistance concerning legal paperwork, or reasoned decision-making guidance.